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Qwizzeria Daily #479

Since April 2021, Qwizzeria publishes a 100-question monthly quiz on a wide range of international topics called ‘Qwizzeria Monthly’. Unlike the daily quizzes, this quiz is a paid one. If you wish to take part regularly, then do consider committing to Qwizzeria’s Patreon page. There are loads of quiz content exclusively published on this Patreon besides the monthly quiz.

Moving on to our daily quizzes!

Here is the link for today’s quiz, the 479th edition of Qwizzeria Daily. And, if you need questions (in the text) for yesterday’s quiz, scroll down.

Good luck!


1. In the modern English alphabet, what is the antepenultimate letter?

2. In 1981, Lars Ulrich placed an ad in a newspaper looking for fellow musicians to jam. James Hetfield answered the advertisement, and a few months later, what was formed from this association?

3. Nimbu paani is a drink that is available in India and in Indian restaurants worldwide. By what common English name do we know this drink?

4. René Descartes observed it, Issac Newton demonstrated, and later Young and Fresnel explained the colour arises from the spectrum of light. What optical element was used to illustrate these colours already present in the white light?

5. What three letters connect – an international courier company headquartered in the Netherlands, an explosive material, a television channel owned by Warner Media Entertainment?


Qwizzeria in a nutshell – Qwizzeria is a Zurich-based quiz company that hosts pub quizzes in Zurich, online quizzes, and corporate events globally. If you are interested in pub quizzes and other quiz events, stay tuned to one of the social media channels of Qwizzeria.

Pick your digital companion – FB, YT, Instagram, Twitter, Patreon…. – click here.


1. In the modern English alphabet, what is the antepenultimate letter? X – ante(before)penult (almost) ultima (last syllable) X

2. In 1981, Lars Ulrich placed an ad in a newspaper looking for fellow musicians to jam. James Hetfield answered the advertisement, and a few months later, what was formed from this association? Metallica

3. Nimbu paani is a drink that is available in India and in Indian restaurants worldwide. By what common English name do we know this drink? Lemonade

4. René Descartes observed it, Issac Newton demonstrated, and later Young and Fresnel explained the colour arises from the spectrum of light. What optical element was used to illustrate these colours already present in the white light? Prism

5. What three letters connect – an international courier company headquartered in the Netherlands, an explosive material, a television channel owned by Warner Media Entertainment? TNT


02 September 2021 @ 19.00 (CET) – Trivia Thursdays.  More details here

29 August 2021 @ 19.00 (CET) – The Sunday Pub Quiz. More details here

07 September 2021 @ 20.30 (CET) – The Qwizz Hour #72 – Six rounds, six connections – it’s free, and it’s online. More details here – Online Link to play the quiz

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