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Zurich Daily Quiz #316

Here is the link for today’s quiz, the 316th edition of Qwizzeria Daily. And, if you need questions (in the text) for yesterday’s quiz, scroll down.

Good luck!


1. G-Star Raw gets its name because they specialise in making raw denim – unwashed, untreated denim. Inspired by military clothing from around the world, it is a designer clothing based in which European country?

2. In 2014, the Brewery Ommegang created a beer called “Valar Morghulis,” with each cork fire-branded with the response inspired by what TV series?

3. To compete with Disney’s Silly Symphonies, what did Warner Bros. come up with?

4. My Lai refers to a location known for a tragedy where hundreds of unarmed civilians were massacred by U.S. troops on 16 March 1968. In which Asian country is it located?

5. To what American sport did he refer to in his last line? I came, I saw, I conquered. Thank you, LA Galaxy, for making me feel alive again. You wanted Zlatan; I gave you Zlatan. The story continues…. Now go back to watch _________. (PICTURE)


Qwizzeria is a Zurich-based quiz company that hosts pub quizzes, online quizzes, and corporate events. If you are interested in pub quizzes and other quiz events, keep checking the Qwizzeria website or the social media channels of Qwizzeria.

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1. G-Star Raw gets its name because they specialise in making raw denim – unwashed, untreated denim. Inspired by military clothing from around the world, it is a designer clothing based in which European country? Netherlands

2. In 2014, the Brewery Ommegang created a beer called “Valar Morghulis,” with each cork fire-branded with the response inspired by what TV series? Game of Thrones

3. To compete with Disney’s Silly Symphonies, what did Warner Bros. come up with? Looney Tunes

4. My Lai refers to a location known for a tragedy where hundreds of unarmed civilians were massacred by U.S. troops on 16 March 1968. In which Asian country is it located? Vietnam

5. To what American sport did he refer to in his last line? I came, I saw, I conquered. Thank you, LA Galaxy, for making me feel alive again. You wanted Zlatan; I gave you Zlatan. The story continues…. Now go back to watch _________. (PICTURE) Baseball


23 March 2021 @ 20.30 (CET) – The Qwizz Hour #52 – Six rounds, six connections – it’s free, and it’s online. More details here – Online Link to play the quiz

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