Qwizzeria Daily #942

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Now, time to play today’s quiz, the 942nd edition of Qwizzeria Daily. And, if you need questions (in the text) for yesterday’s quiz, scroll down.


Good luck!


1. In the last thirteen occasions (from the 2009-10 season), apart from Bayern Munich, which is the other football team to have won Bundesliga?

2. Émile Benoît is the middle name of what French visual artist (1869-1954) who initially made his name during the Fauvism period and later in the modernism and Post-Impressionism?

3. The teachers and the students of the University of Juba composed the music for the national anthem of which country?

4. In 1923, what Canadian received the Nobel Prize in Medicine alongside John Macleod for co-discovering insulin?

5. What actor had several mainstream hits in movies and theatre played the role of Cotton Weary in the three Scream films? He won the 2005 Tony Award for Best Featured Actor in a Play for Glengarry Glen Ross. (VISUAL)


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