Qwizzeria Daily #851

A lot of new quizzes have been uploaded – Check the Patreon page of Qwizzeria to access these quizzes.

Here is the link for today’s quiz, the 851st edition of Qwizzeria Daily. And, if you need questions (in the text) for yesterday’s quiz, scroll down.


Good luck!


1. In 2021, the Vienna tourism board created an account on what internet content subscription site (8 letters) to display nude artwork blocked on TikTok and Instagram?

2. Starring Michael Caine as Charlie Croker, which 1969 film features a famous Mini Cooper car chase?

3. In 2021, Team Europe endured a record 19-9 loss to the US at the Ryder Cup. However, in another sport, Team Europe secured the Laver Cup for the fourth consecutive time over Team World. In which sport is Laver Cup contested?

4. The Costa del Sol is a region in which autonomous community of Spain?

5. This image from space by Copernicus Sentinel-1 on 30 August 2022 shows the extent of flooding in which country? Heavy monsoon rainfall led to more than a third of the country going underwater. (VISUAL)


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