Qwizzeria Daily #793

A lot of new quizzes have been uploaded – Check the Patreon page of Qwizzeria to access these quizzes.

Here is the link for today’s quiz, the 793rd edition of Qwizzeria Daily. And, if you need questions (in the text) for yesterday’s quiz, scroll down.


Good luck!


1. What is the word from the Japanese language composed of two kanji elements meaning ‘impromptu’ and ‘pictures’?

2. At the time of their discovery, they were given the name ‘Walgvogel’ by the Dutch explorers meaning ‘disgusting bird’. What bird usually known today for its extinction is this?

3. In Greek mythology, she was a nymph who detained Odysseus for seven years. The name (unrelated to Greek origins) is a genre of Afro-Caribbean music from Trinidad and Tobago. What shared name?

4. Name this 2001 documentary by Juan Carlos Zaldivar, a name used by JFK in his speeches during the missile crisis. It refers to the distance between Key West, Florida and Cuba. What documentary?

5. This is an 1839 map from what African country? – PIC


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