Qwizzeria Daily #745

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Here is the link for today’s quiz, the 745th edition of Qwizzeria Daily. And, if you need questions (in the text) for yesterday’s quiz, scroll down.


Good luck!


1. Europe retained this 2021 Golf Cup with a 15-13 victory over a US team cheered on by over 100,000 people in Ohio. What golf cup do women from Europe and the USA compete for?

2. What is the world’s most populous nation that contains the country’s name as a standalone word within the name of its capital city?

3. What temporary cessation of breathing, usually during sleep, is contrasted with asphyxia, which is longer than simply ‘temporary’ and may cause death?

4. Which electronics and laptop company took its name from a Greek mythical winged creature? However, the founders took only the last part (eliminating the three letters) to get a high position in the alphabetical listings.

5. Name this American comic strip by Tad Dorgan that ran from 1910 to 1922? I am looking for the two word-answer given to Alexander Rumhauser, who works in the court. (VISUAL)


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