Qwizzeria Daily #737

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Here is the link for today’s quiz, the 737th edition of Qwizzeria Daily. And, if you need questions (in the text) for yesterday’s quiz, scroll down.


Good luck!


1. Which US city hosts one of the world’s largest basketball tournaments, thus earning the name Hooptown? A tributary of the Columbia River shares the name with the city and hosted the Expo’74, notable for the first environmentally themed expo.

2. It is commonly used in the food and beverage industry; which plant is a hybrid of spearmint and watermint?

3. The planets in the solar system (barring Earth) are named after the Latin names of the Greek Gods and goddesses. After which Greek God is the planet Saturn named?

4. Which letter of the Roman Alphabet features in the symbols for the currencies of both China and Japan?

5. What Filipino actress starred in the 2008 movie Ploning and the 2019 film Mindanao, both submitted for Best International Feature Film at the Academy Awards? (VISUAL)


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