Qwizzeria Daily #675

Dear Quizzers, show some love and check out these quizzes! – MORE QUIZZES

Here is the link for today’s quiz, the 675th edition of Qwizzeria Daily. And, if you need questions (in the text) for yesterday’s quiz, scroll down.


Good luck!


1. 150 years after it became one of the American states, one of its cities, Huntsville (Rocket City), was the site of the launch of Apollo 11. In which state is the home to the Marshall Space Flight Center?

2. What weapon was used by Neville Longbottom in Deathly Hallows and used to kill the last Horcrux – Nagini, the snake? This weapon absorbs any substance that will strengthen it; it also rejects any substance that would damage or tarnish it.

3. What moon in the solar system is the only one named after a male lover of Jupiter? All the others are named after female sexual partners or descendants of Jupiter.

4. Created in 1960 by a legendary advertising group at Doyle Dane & Bernbach, “Think Small” is a famous campaign of which German carmaker?

5. In one of the Forbes magazine evaluations, Spacely Sprockets was part of the 25 Largest Fictional Companies list. This fictional company was in what futuristic themed animated TV series? (PIC)


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