Qwizzeria Daily #645

Do you like to know what sort of questions get published on a monthly basis for Patreon members? If curious, let me know (email or social media), I shall give you free access to a few of the quizzes that would help you make up your mind. Alternatively, you can check the link – MORE QUIZZES

Here is the link for today’s quiz, the 645th edition of Qwizzeria Daily. And, if you need questions (in the text) for yesterday’s quiz, scroll down.


Good luck!


1. He studied languages while at Oxford and enlisted in the British Army during World War I. He suffers from trench fever; years later, he is a professor at Oxford and makes a name for himself through his fantasy writing. Who?

2. What scooter brand evolved from a single model motor scooter manufactured in 1946 by Piaggio & Co to a full line of scooters now?

3. This modern version of this bridge was opened in 1971. It was a Victorian stone arch from 1832-1968, a Medieval stone arch from 1176 to 1832 and various wooden bridges from AD 50 to 1176. What bridge?

4. Which country won the 1984 Euro Football championships while being the hosts? They missed an opportunity to win it again in 2016 as hosts when they lost the finals.

5. His poem the Road Not Taken continues to inspire even today (Road Less Travelled), and his 1923 poem Fire and Ice partly inspired the GRR Martin’s ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’. What poet with an icy sounding name? (PIC)


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