Qwizzeria Daily #391

Qwizzeria is running a monthly quiz on medium-to-highbrow questions. There are 100 questions in each edition. Check it out here – Qwizzeria Monthly.

Here is the link for today’s quiz, the 391st edition of Qwizzeria Daily. And, if you need questions (in the text) for yesterday’s quiz, scroll down.


Good luck!


1. The Isthmian Games honoured Poseidon; the Nemean Games honoured Zeus & Heracles; the Pythian/Delphi Games honoured Apollo. What was the name given to the 4th set of the Panhellenic Games, honouring the god Zeus?

2. What is the most common name given to the bodily substance known technically as cerumen?

3. Re-opened in 1891 (after the old theatre burnt down), which was the first opera house in Europe to have electrical lighting?

4. Earlier in 2020, Ben & Jerry released a new flavour with peanut butter ice cream, sweet & salty pretzel swirls, and fudge brownies. What was the name of the flavour? (Made in collaboration with a streaming platform)

5. Name this 2009 Spanish movie starring Ariadna Cabrol in the title character? It is also the name of the fifth child of the Bridgertons in the Netflix drama of the same name.


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