Zurich Daily Quiz #288

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1. Narco-corridos, or drug ballads in English, is a music genre that creates myths and describes drug lords as local heroes. In which country is narco-corrido the local answer to gangster rap?

2. In the 1818 novel’s version, Victor __________ had a normal human colour, and his monster had the yellow skin of a corpse. However, the movie version showed it green. What novel?

3. Mammoth Cave National Park is a US national park located in the central part of a mid-West State, encompassing portions of Mammoth Cave, the longest cave system known in the world. In which state is it located?

4. The sociologist Edwin Sutherland first defined this type of crime in 1939 as “a crime committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of their occupation.” What two-word name is given to such people?

5. This French businessman is the President and CEO of Kering, an international luxury group. Apart from business, he features in entertainment columns thanks to his wife. Who is his wife? (PICTURE)


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