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Qwizzeria Daily #79

Visual for Question 5
Visual for Question 5

Five questions for the day brought you by Qwizzeria!

And, if you are interested in more questions, then, this evening’s Qwizz Hour is something you might consider.

1. Name the only US State to feature a union jack on its flag?

2. Chinese archaeologist Zhao Kangmin died in May 2018. He famously helped rediscover what from the world of Chinese heritage?

3. What genre of novels did Agatha Christie write under the pseudonym ‘Mary Westmacott’?

4. This name was collectively given by the Greeks to the three cities – Oea, Sabratha and Leptis Magna. What city?

5. Juan Alberto Schiaffino represented two countries in international football. One was Italy, which was the other nation, with whom he won a World Cup title? (PICTURE)



  1. Hawaii
  2. Terracotta Army
  3. Romance Novels
  4. Tripoli (Three cities)
  5. Uruguay – he scored a goal in the 1950 World Cup against Brazil

Qwizzeria is a Zurich based quiz company that hosts pub quizzes, online quizzes, and corporate events.

For more Qwizzeria daily quizzes – click here

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